Recent content by DukeandKSUFanatic

  1. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Looking to trade Laurinaitis Auto

    I have this Bowman Auto of Laurinaitis that im looking to trade for a Josh Freeman Bowman auto. Or a Press Pass Jordy Nelson Auto with the inscription of We Are K-State.
  2. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Looking to sell some of my Yamon Figurs PC

    dont have that card anymore and only selling yamon figurs stuff.
  3. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Looking to sell some of my Yamon Figurs PC

    Im looking to sell some of my Yamon Figurs PC in hopes of getting a little extra cash before colleg. Just ask me about a card and offer an amount and we can go from there. Yamon Figurs PC pictures by DukeandKSUFanatic - Photobucket
  4. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Some Stuff for Trade/Sell McFadden Ryan

    /75 /55 More Stuff in my bucket
  5. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Marilyn Monroe for Baseball

    southhawks- didnt see anything im guessing just your front page was ft
  6. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Marilyn Monroe for Baseball

    pasttime- nothing fdgowin- nothing
  7. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Marilyn Monroe for Football

    proably wont trade this for Figurs anyways
  8. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Marilyn Monroe for Football

    randallcards- alot of nice stuff just didnt see anything i was looking for thanks.
  9. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Always looking to buy/trade for current Detroit players

    actually i jsut found it and the corners are chipped up so im not sure if you still want it.
  10. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Always looking to buy/trade for current Detroit players

    you have any intrest in a Bill Freehan Auto i could get a scan if you are.
  11. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Marilyn Monroe for Baseball

    Sell Value 45
  12. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Marilyn Monroe for Football

    it is from the Movie Some Like It Hot
  13. DukeandKSUFanatic

    Marilyn Monroe for Basketball

    Sell Value 45