braves4life1025 (MSF)


Bench Warmer
braves4life1025 has applied for a Verified Trader Tag but has a "MSF" Tag here on Freaks. Does anyone know why he has this tag? He has 16 positive transactions 100%

He had issues on another site with completing trades before he came here... He won't be eligible with only 16 trades if he has a msf tag. Not sure where we should set the mark on those guys, but it should be pretty high cause they cna't have both tags.
I definately agree Joe and was looking for an explanation to PM him why he was denied. My personal opinion would be they need to prove to the site a good standing. So plenty of feedback and posibly a certain amount of time with good transaction like a probation period. Mods any thoughts on some numbers?

Admin said:
He had issues on another site with completing trades before he came here... He won't be eligible with only 16 trades if he has a msf tag. Not sure where we should set the mark on those guys, but it should be pretty high cause they cna't have both tags.
How about we split the difference, and go with 30? ;) I can't help it. I always wanted to be a negotiator. :D I was just wondering how difficult it would be for Joe to add the warning system I've seen on another site (think it was HI). Staff could post in there a comment as to any problems that particular member has had in the past, so all it would take is a click on a link to see your tarding partner's history. I know we have a feedback for here, but this link could say something like " this member was put on MSF for bad dealings on another site, but has completed 30 positive deals here with no problems, and has had the tag removed" Is that stupid, or too difficult to do?