Basketball What the **** did I just do?

Don't feel bad, I've paid up to $3,000 for a card before ...several times.

So, based on made a heckuva buy! And sweet looking patch too! Congrats ;)
ANyone have an opinion on his Exquisite ceiling? I think he has already topped 4 figures late last year. But if he ends up top 10 in scoring and a All-Star this year, where would you see this patch going?
if you are going to look at it that way look at the other side of the fence also lol what if h breaks his leg then what do you do?

lol jk verry nice card

oglesbyc said:
if you are going to look at it that way look at the other side of the fence also lol what if h breaks his leg then what do you do?

lol jk verry nice card


I know where his brother lives, I will just get the cash from him. I actually seen his brother a week ago at the movie store.
that is a SWEEEEEEEEEEEET patch I got a Marvin Williams Exquisite rookie for about $450 (3 HUGE colors) and a SINGLE color just sold for $547 so I think Exquisites still have a little higher to go ;-)

That is awesome Kutzy. As far as ceiling, Nice patches like that reached 13 hundo last year. The guy you bought that one from must be kicking himself in the teeth because he had it up last year for 1199.00 BIN OBO and I offered him 8 for it and he declined