2024 Spring Training and other successes


5.00 star(s)
Earlier this month, I sent out cards to over 330 Major League Baseball players. Needless to say, I don't expect all of them back lol. However, I did this same project in 2011. I sent about the same amount (I think) and got back roughly a third of them. So, I will use this thread to list the successes I get back (or whatever comes back in general).
All the spring training requests were mailed from here on Feb. 2 to give the good ole USPS time to get them to Florida and Arizona in time for them to be there when the players arrived.
Note: Keep in mind, having already seen last season that the Tigers forward their mail during the season, I didn't send any to the Detroit spring training address.
First two RTS (USPS in Memphis "claims" undeliverable as addressed and insufficient address)

Jonah Bride Athletics ST (uaa)
Ethan Small Milwaukee Brewers (is)
Feels Feels like something is not right here. It's been almost a week since any successes have come back from spring training addresses. I sent out over 330 so there's a very limited number of things which could have occurred. This ranges from team's have stopped forwarding mail to players (which is possible) or the Post Office is losing or just not delivering some of the mail. The two RTSs I have gotten back makes me wonder the second option even more as those weren't the only ones I sent to those two teams. Just needed a slight rant, sorry.
Feels Feels like something is not right here. It's been almost a week since any successes have come back from spring training addresses. I sent out over 330 so there's a very limited number of things which could have occurred. This ranges from team's have stopped forwarding mail to players (which is possible) or the Post Office is losing or just not delivering some of the mail. The two RTSs I have gotten back makes me wonder the second option even more as those weren't the only ones I sent to those two teams. Just needed a slight rant, sorry.

I have had that feeling many times and have been pleasantly surprised the next week. I am sure with games starting and more people in town, the players get a lot busier than they were the first few weeks....hang in there, more successes to come!

