Search results

  1. imronron

    WTTF..Igor Larionov Auto

    Just wondering if anyone has one to trade.
  2. imronron

    Football Ethereal Football?

    I'm just wondering why, if you beat the Detroit Lions does it count as a win for the opposing team? I mean, really, is this a victory? IF a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it does it make a noise?, thusly if the Lions throw away a football season and everyone sees it, do they...
  3. imronron

    RC's for trade

    Shaq, Nash, Garnett, I have a few, don't collect basketball. Trade for wants in my signature or other trade bait. PM if interested, thanks, Ron.
  4. imronron

    My Baseball for your Hockey

    Like the title says, my baseball for your hockey, can't get hockey where I live so I try to get other sports to trade for hockey. Wants are in my signature, but I'll consider just about anything. Thanks.
  5. imronron

    My Baseball for your Hockey

    Like the title says, my baseball for your hockey, can't get hockey where I live so I try to get other sports to trade for hockey. Wants are in my signature, but I'll consider just about anything. Thanks.
  6. imronron

    New Here

    Hey all, just checking in, hoping to make a few friends, and a few trades along the way. I mostly collect rookie cards, and vintage, big fan of the Tigers and Red Wings.