because I know he will try and start something: lil_brettinator


Bench Warmer
[ac-n-mike] 9:47 am: I cant view photobucket at work.... go to my photobucket and find my signature that is
AC-N-MIKE spelled out in cards.... right clikc it save it and go to and upload it and give me the link
[ac-n-mike] 9:47 am: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE lol
[southhawks23] 9:47 am: josh childdress auto
[ac-n-mike] 9:47 am: i think theAC-N-MIKE is under the AUTO PC NFT folder
[tigsfan] 9:47 am: He's got 75,161.35 points to spend!
[southhawks23] 9:47 am: jalen rose auto
[ac-n-mike] 9:47 am: ****
[lil brettinator] 9:47 am: i lost u after"i cany view my photobucket"
[ac-n-mike] 9:48 am: tigsfan can you help me out? lol
[ac-n-mike] 9:48 am: cmcolts...I dont "collect" them...but I like to view them LOL
[southhawks23] 9:48 am: lol
[tigsfan] 9:48 am: I'm too lazy****
[ac-n-mike] 9:49 am: gee thanks for the help guys....
[cmlcolts1888] 9:49 am: lol
[southhawks23] 9:49 am: lol
[lil brettinator] 9:49 am: ur welcome
[ac-n-mike] 9:49 am: I got an auto Roger Clemens card for anyone who will do it!
[southhawks23] 9:49 am: me
[ac-n-mike] 9:49 am: get it done then....
[ac-n-mike] 9:49 am: whoever posts the link here first gets the Clemens auto
[southhawks23] 9:49 am: what do u want me to do?
[tigsfan] 9:49 am: git-r-done!
[lil brettinator] 9:49 am: unless its certified, no thx
[southhawks23] 9:50 am: TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting
[southhawks23] 9:50 am: i win
[lil brettinator] 9:50 am: lol
[ac-n-mike] 9:50 am: i got about 20 of them lil brettinator...he wnet to my church I have had them for nearly 20 years
[ac-n-mike] 9:50 am: sorry southhawks lol
[lil brettinator] 9:50 am: is he chrisytian
[southhawks23] 9:50 am: lol
[lil brettinator] 9:50 am: or catholic?
[lil brettinator] 9:50 am: or what
[ac-n-mike] 9:51 am: christian went to First Christian Church of katy
[General]: southhawks23 has left at 9:51 am
[lil brettinator] 9:51 am: cool
[cmlcolts1888] 9:51 am: is his wife really hot
[ac-n-mike] 9:51 am: either way he is going to H-E double hockey sticks for lying LOL
[General]: southhawks23 has entered at 9:51 am
[lil brettinator] 9:51 am: u r a christian also i am guessing
[southhawks23] 9:51 am: el boote
[southhawks23] 9:51 am: im christian
[lil brettinator] 9:52 am: no he isnt ac-n-mike, not if he is a christian
[lil brettinator] 9:52 am: i am a christian also
[ac-n-mike] 9:52 am: IF he confesses...but he is still lying so.... oh well lol
[General]: tazmocan has left at 9:52 am
[ac-n-mike] 9:52 am: BURN BABY BURN lol
[ac-n-mike] 9:52 am: kidding ****
[southhawks23] 9:52 am: wow thats wron
[lil brettinator] 9:52 am: not funny
[southhawks23] 9:52 am: g
[cmlcolts1888] 9:53 am: colts18_bucket - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
[ac-n-mike] 9:53 am: that what happens if you dont repent.... you must confess your sins... am i wrong?
[southhawks23] 9:53 am: YES
[southhawks23] 9:53 am: jk
[lil brettinator] 9:54 am: if u ask God to be ur savior 1nce then ur going to heaven
[lil brettinator] 9:54 am: but yes u do haft to confess ur sins
[ac-n-mike] 9:54 am: thanks ****
[lil brettinator] 9:54 am: but u dont confess after every single sin
[ac-n-mike] 9:55 am: so anyone want an auto of a USED to be sure hall of famer turned sinner and future pitcher for
the Satan Sluggers?
[ac-n-mike] 9:55 am: again...KIDDING
[southhawks23] 9:55 am: omg
[southhawks23] 9:55 am: wooooow
[southhawks23] 9:55 am: lol
[ac-n-mike] 9:56 am: ****
[lil brettinator] 9:56 am: dude, u need to shutup and stop KIDDING
[ac-n-mike] 9:56 am: excuse me?
[southhawks23] 9:56 am: ouch ******
[lil brettinator] 9:56 am: i didnt stutter
[southhawks23] 9:57 am: button....button....button
I DO understand that I should have RAN away from the religious conversation....and put an end to it in chat (or forums for that matter) that was my mistake...but I didnt feel like I deserved to be told to SHUT UP.... so.... I'll SHUT UP now ;)

OH and it was brought to my attention so... THE ***** in the conversation are NOT cuss words LOL they are the ICONS from chat LOL........I get it mother *******! ;)
That was a silly situation you found yourself in!
Some people are sensitive about religion!

I know you are a KICK A SS mod - way better than me :D
But forgive me for saying this... you are only an assistant head coach right?
Technically your fingers shouldn't be on any button.
Adam, speaking only from experience, I can tell you "Don't let these kids bait you". They are pros at it. Save your ire for the real trouble makers. I think our new policy here is one of hopeing that these youngsters age into grown up mature collectors. Course lilbrett can be a real pain sometime, but I don't think he is worthy of anything more than a good whipping sometimes.
Hands said:
That was a silly situation you found yourself in!
Some people are sensitive about religion!

I know you are a KICK A SS mod - way better than me :D
But forgive me for saying this... you are only an assistant head coach right?
Technically your fingers shouldn't be on any button

....I was a mod here for quite a while....and unless someone tells me othewise I wont change from the way I was moderating before... and my finger will continue to be "on the button" I am only "green" because I am newly back on the staff....i was NOT told that my duties have changed in any way...and until I am told that I will continue to do things the way I was before I left...

cardjim said:
Adam, speaking only from experience, I can tell you "Don't let these kids bait you". They are pros at it. Save your ire for the real trouble makers. I think our new policy here is one of hopeing that these youngsters age into grown up mature collectors. Course lilbrett can be a real pain sometime, but I don't think he is worthy of anything more than a good whipping sometimes.

Thanks....yea there seems to be a FEW more kids here than when i was moding before.... w never "left" the site, but now that i am here more often and moding again i see that the ages of our members on average have dropped a bit... THANKS again
ac-n-mike said:
....I was a mod here for quite a while....and unless someone tells me othewise I wont change from the way I was moderating before... and my finger will continue to be "on the button" I am only "green" because I am newly back on the staff....i was NOT told that my duties have changed in any way...and until I am told that I will continue to do things the way I was before I left...

I'm not trying to flex here or anything like that so don't take this the wrong way. I'm posting this for you just in case you missed the sticky in behind the scenes. These guidelines have worked very well since we implemented them on 5/12.
Attention All Moderators 5/12/2008
For those of you who were able to attend tonight's meeting, you know of the issues that were brought forth. For those of you not able to attend, some issues were discussed regarding site traffic numbers, site absence of Admin, site newsletter, group breaks box buys, mod attitudes and other issues. Here is a rundown:
Site Administration:
Right now, Joe is under a terrific amount of stress from his job and trying to relocate, among other things. He just does not have the time or energy to dedicate to the site that he needs to operate it. That is why he has been absent so much lately. In his absence, Joe has handed Administrator responsibilities to Troy(Leafsfan1967) and myself (BSC). This was done after talking with Joe in IM. We will be responsible for overseeing day to day site operations, Moderator activity, member suspensions, msf tags, and site updates such as the Home Page, etc.... This in no way takes anything on this site away from Joe (Admin). It is still HIS SITE. It is merely a way to relieve some of his burden and allow the site to operate smoothly in his absence. As of now, any decisions, problems or site issues should be presented to either Troy or myself......consider us more of site Team Leaders. We want and welcome all of your input and suggestions to help this site gain it's numbers back and hopefully exceed previous levels.
Mod Attitudes:
ALL moderators will be respectful to all members in an open forum. Disrespecting a member because of what he has to trade, his attitude or personality, or for any other reason will not be tolerated. If a member is breaking the rules, a persistant annoyance, disrespecting other members or moderators, the offending member should be sent a PM as a warning. If the member ignores this warning, any head coach may immediately suspend the member for a period of 24-48 hrs. A PM with a clear explanation as to why and how long they are suspended should be sent to the member. Wait for 30 minutes (unless the member responds to the pm or decides to disrupt the forums) then initiate the suspension. In the suspension area in the Mod Control Panel, be sure to issue a clear explanation as to why they are suspended. Do not abuse this power just because you may not like the member. Be sure that you have an acceptable reason to suspend them. Assistant coaches will not suspend a member without prior approval from either a Head Coach or Administrator.
Abuse of power or inflated ego's will not be tolerated. There should be no infighting among staff. If you have a problem with any other member of the staff please present that problem to Troy or myself immediately.
Tigsfan will be responsible for putting together a site newsletter. He will post a thread in the Mod area for suggestions. Please try to contribute as much as you can regarding your respective forums.
Group Buys/Breaks:
All moderators, please draft a set of acceptable rules and standards to use in group buys/breaks. Once all drafts have been received, we will all get together and discuss and adopt a standard set of rules that will both benefit members and help advance the sales of group buys. Brandon (BHELSER1981) will be overseeing this activity on the site. Please e-mail your drafts to me at [email protected] by May 20th if at all possible.
Member of the Month:
Troy will be working on a draft for this site highlight. He will post a thread in the Mod area and any suggestions or thoughts are welcome. We hope to make this a permanent part of the site if all goes well.
Trade Contest:
Jim (cardjim) will be working on tweaking this to make it a permanent activity on the site. Any suggestions or help you can throw his way is much appreciated.
Deal Or No Deal:
I will be bringing back DOND asap after this coming week. Donations for prizes are welcome but not necessary. Suggestions for this promotion are welcome.
Moderator Participation:
As Mods, we would like for everyone to participate as much as possible. However, we do realize that everyone here has a life outside of the boards. Please try to participate in site activity when you can. Try to think of ways to help your respective forums and build site traffic. Team work is essential. Work with your respective Forum Team Leaders in building those forums. Lack of site participation may lead to a Moderator's dismissal. Remember, every little bit helps. We do understand that not everyone can be on the site every day, but please at least try to make an effort when you can.
Dead Weight:
6 moderators were removed from their duties. DimetimeSports, PK Hale, Matt Stajan14, skubacuda, ozballer (health reasons), and Shaqfan. These moderators are now regular members. I think we all know why they were removed. They are expected to abide by the site rules just as any other member. They are not to be singled out or treated with any disrespect. If they break the rules, respond accordingly. If any of them come to one of you with questions, please refer them to either Troy or myself.
just for the record I asked Tigsfan and you (BSC) before I suspended him... I kicked him out of chat...but did NOT suspend him until YOU (BSC) asked me about the situtation... as far as being an ASST MOD, I left as a Head Mod and assumed thats what I was being brought back as....ASST MOD or any other "demotion of duties" was never discussed with me....Until of course I saw my "color" and ask Joe about it....if I need to "down grade" my mod duties by all means let me know, regardless of what "color" I am I will continue to do what I did before as a mod..I respect the rules above now just as when I was a MOD here before. I will do whatever is necessary on my part, to up keep the site to what it has become...
Adam don't take the assistant mod title personally. The decision was made a while back that all staff members who join the team either past, or present would start as assistant mods. Mike Randall when he came back was also given the assistant title, and he once was a super mod on here. He was moved up fairly quickly afterwards. Bryan_mc started as an assistant, and so on. If you contribute like we know you will, you will be bumped up to moderator in no time. It isn't anything to do with you, it's just the way we are doing it now. Please don't take it to heart. We've had a few guys on staff in the past that contributed next to nothing, but yet they always found a way to cause crap amongst the staff with their attitude, and willingness to argue with everyone. Those days are gone, as are those staffers. We don't fight amongst each other on the staff. We work out our issues maturely. The way it should of been from day one. Most importantly, staff must never at all be confrontational with other members of the site. If someone acts up, send them a warning through PM. If they continue, then the suspension thing posted above goes into effect at the escalating rate of severity of situation. We are all very excited to see you back. We know what you can do. We've all witnessed it in the past. Don't think of it as being demoted. That isn't how we think of it. Just a new way of running things is now in effect. Same goes for everyone who joins the staff. We are 100% happy you are back, bro! :)
