For anyone looking for Super Bowl Score cards

Already have snipes set - stay away from the Owen Daniels and DeMeco Ryans lots, please.

lol, no worries from me. I'm screwed on Tatupu though...I know the Tatupu supercollector will kill me on it. The only thing I can say is....I got the dark blue and black! :lollol:
So, these all ended today - How did you fare? I won the DeMeco for $1.99 plus shipping - lost the Owen Daniels at $13.78 plug shipping :doh:
1) Brett Favre - $52.75
2) Peyton Manning - $16.49
3) Owen Daniels - $13.78

I can't afford to collect superstars :lollol:
i won (2) guys -

the seller said he's getting a BLACK set in !!
But wants $7 per card ...

Also, you can talk him down easily. I got him to go from $7 to $3 with ease and still declined. I'll get them at auction.

I won both Tapp and Tatupu...unfortuntely I did not want to win either. I found football-ohio after I bid on both auctions and got a NEAR team set (he left out a clue why) then my girlfriend was trying to help and raised the bid on the Tatupu at the end :doh: