Football Monthly Football Group Break - Just an Idea


Bench Warmer
I am sure some of you guys have seen and probably participated in a monthly group break. The idea is simple you pay x-amount of dollars for a certain team and possibly some randoms. Each month different products and years are broken. Giving each person's team a good shot at rookies and legends. Each month the person will have the option of keeping the team they purchased the previous month for the next month's break. All randoms will be done again or those could stay the same as well.

Also have the members vote on different options for boxes.

Example: Say we have 8 participants so each would get 3 extra randoms.

Charge a fixed fee of 50 a month giving a budget of $400-$50 supplies,paypal,shipping come out to around $350 probably a little more to purchase boxes. (just rough estimates not real numbers)

This is just an idea and I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in something like this. I know that only admins are allowed to host group breaks so AC would probably have to host something like this unless he gave me approval to do something. I know you are very busy AC with everything so this is just an idea, very busy as well so this would have to be something next month for sure.

Also if I was allowed to do the break I would like to have a team for myself each month....which is also up to those envolved and admin if that would be ok.

More detail would follow as to format and so forth but just looking to gauge interest and see if people would like the idea. AC if this a no go please delete this thread no hard feelings.
I'm not gonna delete this thread, but I am going to mvoe it behind the scenes to have admin/mods discuss it.... thanks lildones