This site needs to change.


Bench Warmer
This site really needs to change:
1)Mods are way to strict
2)Topics are way off task, this is a sports card trading website. (not socializing about our personal life like family, grades...) No wonder nobody really goes to this site.
Seriously whats this all about???
I certainly do not think this site is perfect, but it is the best one on the web. If you do not like a topic, IGNORE IT! I get a little annoyed about everyones personal stuff too, but I just ignore it. People like to look to those who share their intrests for advice, so what better place then HERE! If the site is so bad, all I have to say is...

Bye bye.

Nothing personal, but I just think you are reaching.
mvpsportscards said:
I certainly do not think this site is perfect, but it is the best one on the web. If you do not like a topic, IGNORE IT! I get a little annoyed about everyones personal stuff too, but I just ignore it. People like to look to those who share their intrests for advice, so what better place then HERE! If the site is so bad, all I have to say is...

Bye bye.

Nothing personal, but I just think you are reaching.
reaching at what????? If someone has personal problems....share it with a counselor or therapist...thats what they're there for... right???
I think this site is run good, I sure would have a shorter letch on it then it has, As i have allready banned two people from my MB on my site for posting something dumb.

By far a better site than most.
We are working on this issue behind scenes.... Believe me, the staff hate seeing peoples personnal problems on the table. We don't want to see that. We don't want to see people fighting over topics/threads. We want everyone to have fun and trade with each other safely.

Now if you have any suggestions for the site, please feel free to pm me, and ill let the staff know behinds scenes.

Yes I do already know 90% of the complaints.
People feel comfortable talking to people like them. This is a site filled with a diverse group. But we ALL have one thing in common... WE COLLECT SPORTS CARDS! I know I might not post my personal issues on the site, but that is just me. I am a private person. But it is not hurting anyone by having other people doing it. If anything, it helps make people feel like this site is more of a community, and not just a bunch of strangers. I feel like I know a lot of people on this site pretty well.
mvpsportscards said:
People feel comfortable talking to people like them. This is a site filled with a diverse group. But we ALL have one thing in common... WE COLLECT SPORTS CARDS! I know I might not post my personal issues on the site, but that is just me. I am a private person. But it is not hurting anyone by having other people doing it. If anything, it helps make people feel like this site is more of a community, and not just a bunch of strangers. I feel like I know a lot of people on this site pretty well.
wow, you've touched my heart.
Guys, Please could we atleast try and be cilvil, what good is it to attack a person over the computer on a MB? What point does it make, if you anit going to tell him in his face it anit worth it.
Alright, I am going to say this. I could honestly hang around for a while and I don't mind this site that much, but we need to work on a few things. The first and most important is the posting and basically members in general... quality is always better than quantity. We need some more quality members on here and jaguars really needs to stop w/ boone, its getting crazy. I know he likes him and everything, and I don't mind him showing off pickups or whatever, but it is getting ridiculous.

I will admit, #1rc has definitely gotten better with the posting on his part and I don't mind him anymore, but all of this is a horrible example for the newcomers who see this. Nobody wants to read about this guy and him becoming a friend of Boone's on facebook and I could understand if hes like 10 or 12 or something, but hes like 25... This needs to change.
Anyone else? Get your complaints in now, this is a freebie...

I will lock thread and move it for the staff to discuss since none of the staff other then myself are on / or seem to care about this issue.