Baseball A-Rod being A-Rod?


Bench Warmer
First appering with (hot) mystery lady, which isnt my bussiness.
But the thing that has got me mad was during the game A-Rod yelled "Mine" to distract somebody from catching the ball. Thats all i know can somebody fill me in on his :mad::( behavior
Its freaking baseball, grow up Blue Jays.

It looks like he shouted something, but note when he says it, Clark is still going to catch the ball, when Arod reaches 3RD BASE thats when Clark turns away.

Theres a stadium of thousands of people chanting, if he claims 1 little word Mine would change things, hes crazy.

He should know that if you are under a ball and someone is calling you off, they arent just gonna say mine, they are gonna scream I GOT IT, I GOT IT, multiple times.
This is all being blown way out of proportion how is this different what AJ Pierzynski did when he walked to the dugout on a called strike 3 in the playoffs a few years back then proceded to go to 1st on a controversial call.

Or how about in BK when a player is shooting a technical foul shot and a guy goes near by him to do some trash talking prior to the player taking a shot.

Lighten up it is just mind games. If you can't get 100% focused (or reasonably close to that) then you need to sharpen your mind.

No, ESPN isn't "crazy" much. They are just a media outlet just like any other.....their in the business of reporting news. And also like most other media outlets stirring the pot helps sell news...raise ratings...etc

I do miss the old days of ESPN/Sportscenter.