Advice needed


Bench Warmer
I am new to sport card freaks and would like some advice from you veterans (and yes I have read the "rookie thread".

What is the best way to go about making these online trades work? Here is what I am looking for/looking to trade:

I have a 9 year old who likes cards, but not necessarily high end stuff (he is still learning to take care of cards). He is very happy with commons, rookies, minor stars, as well as stars. However, if you start trading large amounts of cards, shipping becomes an issue ($$$$).

I have 70's and 80's cards (as well as many 90's that hold little value due to overproduction) that I would be willing to trade. I also have alot of 70's, 80's and 90's football cards.

Should I just post what I am willing to trade and then wait for offers? Help me out if you have any advice.

im new to to freaks but not to online trading so ill give this a shot. the best way to trade is to be direct and to the point about what you want. when i see a thread with the title "lets get some trades done check my bucket" i tend to pass over it because i dont want to spend 20 minutes looking through a bucket only to find out i have nothing someone wants. so its much easier to say exactly what you want and what you have for trade to avoid wasted time.

be flexible as well. be willing to negotiate and work out a deal. to me a deal doesnt have to be exact bv if both sides are getting what they want. i recently traded a 100 bv card for 90 bv in cards because we were both getting stuff we wanted. but ive seen some people that if they trade is 19bv for 20 bv they wont do it and to me that is ridiculous. a trade is a success if both sides are getting something they want

my last tip is the be polite. nothing irritates me more then someone who is rude for no reason. if someone makes an offer that you dont like a simple "no thank you, but i appreicate your offer" works alot better then a "nope" which online tends to come across alot more harsh and rude then probably intended. and always always always reply when someone posts something for you to reply to. its annoying and frustrating when i pm someone or reply in their thread and they dont bother replying.

i hope these tips help you out a little.
I have no problem trading for 70's stuff I need even at 2X-3X value to help you out. Shoot me a pm w/ some of your better stuff and what you'd be looking for back. I'm student teaching elementary school and would like some stuff from that era to share in history class.
Nattyboo - too funny - I am a elementary teacher as well. I taught 5th grade for 10 years and have recently switched to middle school. Let me go through some of my stuff later today and I'll send you a message.
i would be interested as well in getting some trading done let me know what ur looking for as I have tons of stuff just