Hockey Collection organization question


Bench Warmer
How do you catalog, organize, store you collection?

I am in the process of going through my cards and trying to figure out how I can go about organizing over 40,000 cards. I have them in binders, boxes.

Any suggestion or techniques you may use or programs you use to track your cards.

I was using the Card Locker program but it seems to have problems. I use Beckett my collection for some but it is hard to print. I use excel but it is time consuming to prepare listings. Would like someway to input into a web page once I gain more knowledge on building one.

Any help

Orginizing cards ... how painful ... i have so many , when i open a box i take the few ones i like out and throw the rest into a big box ... i have tons of boxes with so many thousands of cards its insane ...

I Have no idea what im gonna do with them all ... i think they would make good for starting a fire at my cottage though.

I keep all my pc in binders in order with spaces for the missing cards.

Would like to know what other techniques collectors use for the extra cards and how they keep track of what they have for trade. Keep them in boxes?

Mine are kept by set but trying to figure out how to catalog them for tradelist and for selling.

I am up over the 600,000 mark on cards, and while I would like to have them all catalogued, I realize it is a nearly impossible task.

I have my PC cards listed in an excel spreadsheet.
all of my 'better' cards are in toploaders (or some kind of case) and put into a graded storage box (it holds graded cards perfectly and the other cards in regular cases fit pretty good as well).
All base are put into 800 count boxes and then the boxes are put into storage houses. It keeps the boxes all together and they are stackable.

like these -
can not download from beckett anymore. It does not allow you to get rid of the hyperlinks in bulk anymore. You have to do them individually now. Any suggestions?