eBay 1/1s...Drives Me Crazy


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I'm sure I am far from the only one, but I hate searching on eBay for nice SPs for some of my PC projects only to be overloaded with "eBay 1/1s." I was looking for cards for my Panthers PC the other day and clicked on a card of Jimmy Clausen (I know..."boo"). In the listing...it was called a 1/1. Of course, it wasn't. It was actually an SP of /50. It's serial number was 2/50...and Clausen's number at the time was #2. It ended up not being that interesting of a card so I passed. But, these kinds of ads just drive me crazy. At best...it's a shameless attempt to try and get someone to bid a little more on a card, at worst it's fraudulent. The truth is probably somewhere in-between.

But, it drives me up the wall.

If the card doesn't say "1/1" then it's not a 1/1.
<<< Hater of 1/1 cards... and hate people advertising a card as a 1 of 1 just because the card is the number of the car (let's say Jeff Gordon's 24)... and there's 100 of them out there.

...and I wish Press Pass (and others!) would watch their issue of 1/1's when releasing products. Only issue ONE (1) #1/1... not a dozen or more! Look at the 2014 Five Star (NASCAR) product. As an example, Tony Stewart has a total of 24 #1/1 cards!

Again I say... HATER of 1/1 cards!
I'm not a huge fan of this idea of "ultra rare" cards in general. When they make 10000 ultra rare cards...are they really that rare.

I do not have a especially huge or amazing collection and I own 3 true 1/1s.
That's overrated for me. Plus, you have to be careful on eBay...I'm sure no one there would ever try to mislead you about what you're buying. :/
I know exactly how annoying that is, because I've been there before. However, I once stumbled upon a Peyton Manning jersey card that was numbered 18/25, and I couldn't help but feel like it made the card so much more interesting. Whether it actually made it more valuable or not, I have no idea.
I know exactly how annoying that is, because I've been there before. However, I once stumbled upon a Peyton Manning jersey card that was numbered 18/25, and I couldn't help but feel like it made the card so much more interesting. Whether it actually made it more valuable or not, I have no idea.
I think it does make a little more interesting, and that might make it worth a few more dollars to the right collector. I have no problem with that...and I have seen people advertise them as "18/25...his jersey number" and I think that's perfectly acceptable. I just hate it when they throw "1/1" in there...because it's not a 1/1. If that's a 1/1...then so is 21/25.