Basketball Rate my Brian Cook collection


Bench Warmer
Well updated my photobucket so lmk what u think of my Cook collection also have some new stuff in my Kobe PC and just in the ft parts
thanks for the response yeah im tempted to get the photoshoot but im tryen to save for a show in novembe,r (wow it seems like its coming up fast) so i can pick up atleast a kobe auto and a nice cook if they have one you know?
Not many people are awake now man... just wait until the morning and you should get a lot more. Plus, some people actually have school tomorrow.
thanks yeah im hoping their is some nice cooks at the show i go to in chicago so i can pick up a few kobes and cooks considering it will be my bday and should get some extra cash
well i hope you find some good cards to add. There was a show last week I've been waiting for and saved up just like you, but there wasnt much I could afford. But by the end of the day i pulled a bryant patch from an upperdeck box.
Um pretty much what the other guys said, it needs alot of work but its a start, we all have to start somewhere