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09 Leaf Rc and Stars Football(regular not that crap longevity).. Tons of Rc autos and patch autos. Plus with 4 hits a box alot of people will get hits.. heck I'd even take the Seahawks as my primary team hah
I second the motion lol well i guess it would be thirding it as long as I can pull an Matt Ryan Auto 3 jersey
I wouldnt mind an SPX break either.. that would be ALOT of hits. As for the SPA thing.. I have sat through a SPA break.. I'd rather watch Grass grow. Think about it .. 24 packs a box only 3 hits..not really any other inserts aside from high numbered Rcs no one cares about... Its pack after pack of nothing but base cards.. IT TAKES FOREVER
How about a case of Heroes baseball. 3 GU per box, 1 auto per box, great parallells 1 per pack, about $500-$600 per case. Probably about 7 full base sets.

What about baseball :)

I know ac-n-mike usually does football and basketball....but does anyone run baseball team breaks???
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