Hello All!


Bench Warmer
Very cool site you folks have here!

I used to collect quite a bit when i was younger (baseball mostly) and have been pretty out of touch with what's going on in the sports card universe until recently... I've been spending as much time (probably too much) as possible in the last couple of weeks trying to get acclimated again. Boy have things come a long way since the 80's :D . I blame computers.:D

Anyway, My wife and I recently had 2 little future card collectors and Packers fans (twin boys). So i figured it was time to get the ball rolling again. Soooooo much information out there now it's pretty overwhelming.

Looking forward to some new football stuff!
Welcome to SportsCardFreaks! Check out the chat feature we have on the blue bar at the top of the page! We do a lot of trading there and you should stop by every once in a while! Thanks and have fun!! -Brett!!