I need a huge favor...

You don't want too many different offers as it will give him the impressions alot of people want it and it's hot.

yeah but for what I'm doing, I need as many offers as possible between 40-50. The more that offer that amount, the more prone he will be to giving it to me at that price. Right now, $51 is the higest offer he has sent me.
Not to rain on everyone's parade here, but you are way off pricing that card. No way in hell would it go for $40-50 at live auction. I'd guess around $100-$125.
Not to rain on everyone's parade here, but you are way off pricing that card. No way in hell would it go for $40-50 at live auction. I'd guess around $100-$125.

Yeah.....if Branch still wore a Patsy's uni you might pay that much for it.....but he is in a Hawks uni and Chris only wants to pay a certain price for it and as fellow collectors we are helping him out:D