Looking for Kevin Slowey

Still kinda high but I have a question. The 150/150 Slowey Blue just sold on Ebay. But you said you ahd the #150/150? Whats going on here?

LMK, thanks, Eric
Yea I just saw that and was kinda confused. Especially when he first posted aboiut it, and the last post, it was before the auction ended, and after. So its not like he just sold it, or just bought it. I have no feedback on this site too but Over 100 through other sites. Thanks for your concern tough autocollector.

its my card the buyer doesnt have a confirmed address. as you can see it has great centering . here is a bigger scan, this is my scan i uploaded as well so u can tell it wasnt copied

Well that is the same exact picture that is on Ebay, but is zoomed in. Do you have a scan of the back? Then maybe we can work something out.

i resold it on a second chance offer. sorry. however for future reference you can tell its a ebay scan my the trademark logo in the bottom right hand corner. is there any other guys u need besides slowey?