looking for trades

bscook86 said:
lmk what you want for that griffey jsy bro

i like your cal ripken 2 piece jersey card and i like the reds triple jersey with davis,sander,boon

lmk if we can work something for one on these..If they book more then the griffey maybe you can pick something with it to even it up..lmk
bscook86 said:
haha, they book for a lil more. thats really the only card i like. do i have anything you like that is equal?
I like 2 others ,the pete rose jersey and the albert pujols jersey..lmk if one of these will work..thanks!
bscook86 said:
the pujols is in my traded folder. and the pete rose books for 60 and is definitly nft haha
well crap...lol..I've not bought a becket since 07 and some of this stuff like the pete rose I don't know what it books for so forgive if i ask for a $100 for a $15 dollar card..lol

how about the kobe jersey ??