looking for Tyrus Thomas

back up top... finders fee (all my points, or an auto, or gu) for leading me to a Tyrus 05-06 Finest 1/1

*only if a deal gets done (eBay doesn't count)
steve-o said:
i have jordan inserts

also have a tyrus thomas rookie debut 05-06 rookie card upperdeck

don't need that Tyrus, but what sort of jordan inserts do you have? do you have a list or something you could send me?
Got these:


1996 UD Jordan's Journal hologram set $60

I like your foye ultimate auto rc and gay auto/50 as well as the dh12 gu.
worryfree- that's not a Tyrus RC-year.
and I'm not a huge fan of Jordan insert sets, so I really don't pursue them. thanks anyway

steve-o- just pm the list whenever you can.
got this...

06-07 UD Black Dual Materials Gold RC Tyrus Thomas /25 vhtg

interested by the carter auto patch...lmk what we can work...
timetolj said:
got this...

06-07 UD Black Dual Materials Gold RC Tyrus Thomas /25 vhtg

interested by the carter auto patch...lmk what we can work...

There's a pretty large discrepency in sale values. But if you have a bucket or tradelist I'll take a look and see if we can balance it out.