*NEW Ebay Fees and terms*


Bench Warmer
Seller Update: Overview
We're taking steps to give sellers the most dynamic marketplace on the Internet with reduced upfront cost and more sales through great exposure for your listings and a more consistent buyer experience.
Reduced upfront fees for Fixed Price: List multi-quantity items up to 30 days for one low fee
We're dramatically reducing the upfront cost to list an item at fixed price on eBay.
35¢ Fixed Price Insertion Fee
- Regardless of item price or quantity
- New 30-day option included

15¢ Fixed Price Insertion Fees for Books, Movies & DVDs, Music, and Video Games; 5¢ holiday special for some listings
FREE Insertion Fees for your first four vehicle listings
Lower Final Value Fees in certain electronics categories
Auction-style still the best deal on eBay—no change in basic fees

A more consistent buyer experience to drive more sales
Sellers will enjoy the benefit of millions of confident buyers as we make the following changes:
Limits on shipping and handling charges in some categories
Rewards for free shipping:
- Free subtitle; more search exposure
- Double PowerSeller discounts

Checks and money orders no longer allowed
New seller standards: minimum 4.3 on all DSRs

More relevant search results to drive more sales
We're optimizing Best Match to surface the inventory most relevant to each buyer and show the best of Auction-style and Fixed Price.
Recent sales a new factor for Fixed Price
Time ending soonest still key in Auctions
See Best Practices and the Seller Checklist for more information about how these important changes affect you. You're also invited to participate in—or view the archives of—one of several webinars August 20-26.
i like the $0.35 listing instead of $2 for a listing of $200, what i dont like is they are having paypal in the fees EVERYWHERE now...granted i dont deal much outside of paypal, but yeah its looking required
i just got done reading about the no checks or money orders. that really sucks. i don't usually buy that way but before i had paypal i did. i think it should be up to the seller if they want to accept payment that way. there are some sellers who only want paypal as payment, but i think you should at least have the option open to people. there are some who don't have paypal or credit cards.

too bad ebay is really the only good place to sell cards.
I wonder how the no checks or money orders will effect things overall. I know I always pay with paypal, and 99.9999% of the people I deal with do too.