Patriots Superbowl Predictor ft/fs


Bench Warmer
These cards are going crazy right now so I figured I'd throw mine up it's from '07 upperdeck and if the Patriots win the Superbowl (which they probably will) you send it in and get a limited print parralel set of 2007 Upperdeck Football including all the Rookies last ones on E-bay sold for $60, $30, and $25 for reference I will check buckets or feel free to make an offer
not interested in the card but $60,35, and $ 20 for a team that hasn't yet won the superbowl. As good as the patriots are you can't call games already. ( Who knows the Packers might be Super bowl Winners :) )
Sportscardstars- While I disagree with you on that (yes I'm a ptriots fan) I recognize a good thing when I see it so I put it up with a $100 BIN with a best offer option