
Bench Warmer
Hey everyone, im looking for the nicest card i can buy with $30. mainly just looking for big name gu, patches, or autos. so please show me the best single card i can buy from you for $30!!! and i know this is alot to ask for, but i am looking for cheaper than ebay, i know there are some great traders out there looking to sell a great deal!!! THANKS!!!

Note: I only have $29 paypal exactly but am waiting for a couple more bucks to bring me to $30 in a few days.
paypal to spend

hey man the only thing that i really noticed was the griffey american hero 1/1. what kind of price were you looking for? could we do a cash/card deal maybe? if so, what do you collect?
typical person helping ruin the hobby---ebay is already the WORST place for a seller and you want cheaper than ebay and youre spending $29! How about when you need to sell----you gonna sell everything cheaper than ebay? I wish people like you could put yourself in the sellers position once and a while. Its people like you that help slowly ruin the hobby.
lol i ebay does ****, i know it does. its frustrating. but its really the only reliable market to compare prices too. and all im simply doing is looking for a good deal on somthing nice. and if i cant find anything, its no big deal. thank you for posting, but if you dont have anything to offer, please move on. thanks