sweet highend ft...kobe auto, childress 1/1 "C" patch w/ much more

the dual is gone and just to let you know if u think i would thro that in if i had it i would have to be crazy-it books for 200 and sells dfor more than the kobe alone
thanks for your time
tyler0000 said:
the dual is gone and just to let you know if u think i would thro that in if i had it i would have to be crazy-it books for 200 and sells dfor more than the kobe alone
thanks for your time

i know i was kidding..i don't even really like that card....is there anything else u like besides the kobe???
kdubc17 said:
I am interested in the Kobe auto, check my site.

kobe is pc but i'm puttin out ft but still kinna hard 2 get...i like your wade finest rc auto eventhough i'm aware that it is pc....
WildThing17 said:
I like the Kobe check my site.

i like the bosh bowman and the melo finest but not for kobe....is there anything else u like from me like my tmac auto or my childress 1/1 C patch???
very interested in the wade wade finest auto...n e interest in my kobe auto? i also have an incoming auto of dirk and an incoming 0405 sp authentic ben gordon rc auto bv 200 incoming...n e interest?
what did you like.. i got some wade GU....and wade chrome rookie and ud rookeis..stuff like that...very interested in that kobe though... lmk
i have that wade fines gu and that wade topps chrome rc...i would kind of like another 1 of each and i liked some of the other wades rc's and the other topps chrome rc's of melo and bron and somewhat like the dwight howard rc auto but not for kobe