TNA to sign 3 Superstars!!!


Bench Warmer
Its old news to me but i didnt see anything bout it on here so i though why not!

but TNA is looking to sign TAZ(original name in ECW only had one Z,it was changed to 2 when he came to WWE) Mr. Kennedy(mrrrrrr...... unlucky should be his real name! lol) and last but not least Umaga(i wouldnt mind seeing him in a storyline with Samoa Joe)
Taz is about 10 years past his prime, he can barely move at this point with all the weight he's gained. When he was in ECW he was by far my favorite wrestler. Then when he came over to WWE I thought he was going to dominate. Unfortunately, injuries put an end to that thought really quick.

Mr. Kennedy is a solid signing. He should've gotten more of a chance when he came back to WWE. Not really sure what happened there.

Umaga is extremely boring to me. I don't hate the guy, but I've never been a fan. That's not something any wrestler wants to be, someone who's just there and has no impact (good or bad).
WWE has been a snore fest for along time.. TNA has been horrible ever since it went primetime.. the only decent wrestler on the roster is Amazing Red and he isnt quite as amazing since his knee surgery. Face it the old ECW days will never be here again...wrestling is dead. Sad when CZW is the better brand now.
I still enjoy WWE, but TNA is complete crap IMO...They use to be build as somewhat of a family show but have now turned into just complete stupidity...
I tried to watch TNA one time... ONE TIME! It is a pathetic excuse for pro wrestling.
IDK i think TNA has way better high flyers and better hardcore matches!

WWE use to have the coolest matches ever and know they are kinda falling behind! I think they need to bring back the hardcore belt and have that 24 hr rule apply to it! that would be sweet!
last time they did that 24hour thing Crash Holly took so many pain pills to cope with teh hardcore thing that he died soon after. WWE is not for hardcore everything about WWE is weak. They need to quit using the ECW name because there is 0 extreme. WWE is all mic work until they get to a PPV which is the onlytime they actually wrestle. TNA does have the better high flyers by far with some amazing athletes..but their story lines or so corny its unwatchable. And aside from AByss who is about as exciting to watch as paint dry there is no hardcore there either.