Willie Parker and Jason Bay Auto


Bench Warmer
Im looking to sell my rare 2008 Hawaii Trade Conference Willie Parker/Jason Bay auto card. I got this card through a special offer through upperdeck, I haven't seen many of these around. This card will go for a reasonable price, so if your interested you can likely get it. If you cant find enough info on it ill take a picture of the card since I cant find a good picture on google.
I'm not sure how others feel, but I would never buy anything without first seeing exactly what I'm getting. IMO, an actual pic, or scan of the card your selling (yours not one like it) would go a long way as to how much easier making a sale will be. I never post a sale thread without scans of what I'm selling. I wish everyone else would do the same. I look at it this way, would you buy clothes, food, cars, houses, jewelry etc without seeing them first? Cards should be no different. ;)

Here is the image of the card guys. Need this card sold ASAP! Please PM me offers.