1/1 Hibbert Mailday


The Hibby Hibby Shakes
Somehow all of these cards arrived on the same day even tho none of them were bought the same day. Not that I'm complaining :D All of them are from the 08-09 Topps Hardwood set and they include the 2nd 1/1 from that set as well as my seventh Hibbert 1/1 or you could say it's my fourth "true" 1/1, not counting plates.

Thanks for looking and comments welcome!!

My newest 1/1


That 1/1 joins this other Hardwood 1/1 (which didn't arrive today but I needed to show it again)


Now for the other cards for the Master Set...








:party3: :party3:
Damn it man! Your Hibbert collection is passing my Rush collection up with my lack of activity recently.

EXCELLENT pickups. This set looks really cool from the scans so I'm imagining they look even better in person.
Steve_O_21 said:
Damn it man! Your Hibbert collection is passing my Rush collection up with my lack of activity recently.

EXCELLENT pickups. This set looks really cool from the scans so I'm imagining they look even better in person.

The selling of my Granger collection has paid for all of my recent Hibbert pickups so it's been like buying with house money so it's been awesome! Things will slow down soon cuz all I have left are my Granger Exquisite's, SPA, SPx and other rookie base and I'm keeping that stuff for now.

Oh, and I've got one more 1/1 coming and you know which one it is :party3: :party3: :party3:
jeeezle.... i'm gonna have to nab a couple of those hibberts from you in a couple of weeks...

just to slow you down some. I'll give them back to you in late march.
You have THAT Hibbert 1/1 incoming???? You are thoroughly dominating my Rush collection at this point. I've been slacking in a major way.