2 Jeter Cards (One #ed)


Bench Warmer
Item (s) being auctioned:

06 Topps Chrome Derek Jeter Card #256 Gold Glove Award
06 Topps Gold Classic Duos Robinson Cano and Jeter #ed 1838/2006

Starting Bid: 500 pts

Bid Increaments: 50

Buy it Now: No

End Date & Time: Friday 6-01-07 @ 9:00 pm CST (10:00 pm EST)

Notes: If you win more then one of my auctions, they will ship together, shipping outside US will be an additional 300 points, edited posts will result in the user being banned from bidding on my auctions, cards will not be shipped until points are recieved, points must be on hand or in bank when bid is placed.

Scan or link: N/A, I can get one if it is needed.