Football Best Rivalries?

Best Rivalry in College Football(read my post and post what u think)

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Army vs. Navy is always a good one.

USC and Notre Dame have seemed to have gotten a heated rivalry going of late. Of course Ohio State vs. Michigan must always be in the talks.
sportydude said:
At first I didnt think u were talking about football, then I remembered wut thread this was! lol I was gonna say, "No the Marines are better."

The Marines are a department of the Navy. ;)

So technically the Marines are the Navy's red-headed stepchild.
TribeBuckeyeFan said:
Being born and raised in Ohio, I have to go with OSU-UM, with Navy-Army coming in a close second (20 years in the Navy). The other games are good rivalries, but they aren't great rivalries, IMO. I watch college football religiously, but there only two that I absolutely have to watch every year, and it's these two games. Also, according to the official D1 records book, Nebraska-Oklahoma haven't even played 100 games yet - so it's not even up there with the longest rivalries, let alone the greatest rivalries. ;)
They havent played that many, b/c the Big 8 formed later.

Kutzy-oh, I did not know that. I thought the Marines were another branch like the Air Force.