Basketball Buy or Sell

Alright guys, seriously keep this post on hand... keep it reasonable. And please continue the chain.

Buy or Sell: Steve Francis gets traded before the ended of the season.
J.R. Smith Collector said:
sell, but the knicks probably will add a few more guards!

bulls outwin the pistons

thats a buy pistons are old and done
Celtics said:
buy or sell Gerald Green plays more than 5 mpg?

buy, i would hope so

buy or sell the Cardinals Win the World Series!.......o wait they already have!:D
Man seriously... stop. Things like that just ruin threads and will end the chain. So I will start it once again.

Buy or Sell: Magic make the playoffs.
I'm selling that one. No way the Suns win this year. I don't see Amare getting back to form any time soon.

Buy or Sell. Anderson Verajuao wins 6th man of the year award.