New Stuff Auto's Patchs Lebron Black Ref N More

$35 for both (dual has channing frye on the back), I could throw in this for another $10...


plus a few jersey cards of him too

open to negotiations
Interested in your Luther Head SPA Patch/Auto..also your Tmac/Luther Trilogy dual Auto. Like your Josh Howard UD Black, SPA & SPX Auto RCs as well. I have this if you need it?

bjtheman - NEED IT! Luther Head/ Tmac NFT, and the SPX Howard is NFT either... but I could do the Head SPA patch and UD Black Howard for the you have anymore SPA auto patches?
818 - thanks
pls pm me prices on these
head sp patch
jack exq
amare wood auto
green bowman auto
lee finest auto /39
head tmac auto
graham exq
head ult
frye ult
maxiell ult
douby letter auto pls pm me asap!!
kings - liked ur gomes GOTG /25, marvin williams ultimate 4 clr patch, klieza gold ultimate, bynum ultimate, wayne simien SPA

only things that are nft are the head tmac dual and graham exquisite
bballbayz said:
bjtheman - NEED IT! Luther Head/ Tmac NFT, and the SPX Howard is NFT either... but I could do the Head SPA patch and UD Black Howard for the you have anymore SPA auto patches?
818 - thanks

Would you throw in the 05-06 SPX Luther Auto/Jsy & 05-06 Ultimate Auto? I'll add a 97-98 McGrady Flair RC BGS 9.0 and 06-07 Reflections Mcgrady Jsy!

I do also have a 3CLR Marvin Williams Auto/Patch but that ones gonna be tough to get from me :cool:
Interested in the Auggie SP sig auto, Felton 8x10 auto, Jack Exquisite, Dee Brown auto, Head Ultimate auto, Head SPA auto patch, and Marion auto jersey
I could throw in the spx Luther Head, but not the ultimate too. We can save that for the Williams.. thank you but no need to throw in the McGrady Jersey, but feel free to throw the rc in : )... and look at my bucket and tell me what you want for the Williams...

kutzy - i like that sixers triple a lottt, and the dee brown gold sweet shot auto, theres a few deals pending before you on the head spa patch auto but wat are you lookin to get out of that triple? I can throw in some paypal also